
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3152
3rd March 2018
Windsurfing: Almerimar Wind Direction: SW Wind Stength: 8/15 Surf / Sea State: Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: mainly cloudy with rain later Max Speed: 19.53 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 1 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Saturday 3rd March – windsurf * Almerimar – mainly cloudy with rain
later :( SW 8/15
19.53 kt max., 10.73 kt ave., 0.83 kt hr., 0.00 mile, 1.70 km., 4.94 kt
F2 Stoke 117 + Tushingham Lightning 7.8 and 38 cm fin.
Another horrendously windy night, we are getting feed up with it now, in
fact the weather has generally turned crap! We were fairly sheltered in the
no campervan carpark so it was just noisy and woke with the strong winds
gone. The best thing was watching the cattle egrets in the playing field
behind the van. They are very funny:)This is a popular spot with locals
and visitors alike and most seemed to know each other. There seemed a lot
of talking about it, preening their lovely dyed blond hair in van windows
and checking their wind gauges but no rigging action! Mag went for an early
morning stroll along the graffitied, derelict prom covered in dog mess and
rubbish, she was not impressed:( With no windsurfers out we decided to go
for a stroll around the large marina, starting off along the beach which
has the harbour wall to the left and a rock breakwater to the right meaning
there is a surfy break close in. Mag saw an expert paddle boarder having
fun also a couple of surfers. The kites were just being launched as we
reached the harbour wall. Sadly, the beach was full of plastic rubbish that
had been blown there from the tomato farms. We know that this is their main
income locally and we all like tomatoes at a £1 a punnet but it a shame
they leave so much crap laying around just to get blown into the sea:(
There is a large camper aire on the quay with hook up for 10 Euros a night.
The marina meanders around the town, a strange mix of open bars and shops
but also large areas that have been built and never occupied it all looked
a little sad. There was hardly a space in the packed marina but again it
was full of rubbish even if the large mullet didn’t seem to mind! Bored
with the town we found an ATM and took out more cash and then found a
well-stocked Spanish Mercadona supermarket to get some bits. By the time we
got back there must have been at least 10 windsurfers plus kites in the
little bay. The kites were going OK and the windsurfers were hardly planing
but they were wave sailors or youngsters learning from the Victor Fernandez
shop :) I checked the wind gauge and hummed and hared for ages whether to
go out as it was very light but, in the end, I rigged big and had a go. It
was a waste of time, after getting through the waves by the shore you
headed to the harbour wall then turned back, next time I cleared the wall
and headed out to sea but I was nervous about heading out to sea especially
in the light wind and lumpy sea:( I sailed back to shore barely planing and
sat on the beach watching. The only people having a good time were the
kiters on small strapless wave boards riding the waves close to the shore,
next to impossible to do on a windsurfer and then two freestyle foilers
went out and that is the future, oh to be young again!!! Also, a couple of
small kids were having fun learning to ride the waves and it was good to
see lots of girls both windsurfing and kiting:)
Even if it had been windy I don’t think this is a venue for me so I
called it a day, packed up and then decided to explore just down the coast
where some windsurfers on what looked like slalom kit were blasting. It
might be breezy tomorrow so could get out there perhaps? There were campers
parked everywhere, some in pay aires but also lots just wild camping. I
spoke to a local who said that the police do move you on sometimes but
don’t fine you. We found a castle, Guardis Viejas which offered nice
views of the green houses and beach which might have looked better if the
sun was out! Then back down on the beach at Playa Culo de Perro several
vans were parked in a deserted place so we joined them with a beachside
spot. Again, the whole area is thick with rubbish from lout’s lager
bottles to farm rubbish, there is no hope for the area really:( Mag put on
her rubber gloves and collected a bag full from in front of our van to
improve the view - but it was just a drop in the ocean! We got a glimpse of
the snow-covered Sierra Nevada mountains this morning and they looked
magnificent but disappeared when the rain came so it doesn’t look
promising for a trip up there this year:(
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